Granite has a hardness and flexibility that is similar to the Gold coating. This is the same material as the Gold but with a semi-gloss coating. Granite is a good choice for harness, belts and making dog collars.
This page offers 5/16” Granite Coated Rope in colors. The break strength is 700 lbs.
The minimum length for coated rope is now 24'.
For clamps for the coated rope click here.
Looking for a way to Rivet and Punch your BioThane? Try the Handyman Press. BioThane® is America's best choice for the production of strap goods.
BioThane comes to us in 100’ rolls. When you buy a 100’ roll it may not be one continuous piece. BioThane guarantees a maximum of two splices (three pieces) per 100’ roll.
Returned items will be subject to a restocking fee of 35% for rolls less than 100' and 15% for all others.
- OOS:
- C08CR516RD238-100
- OOSMessage_C08CR516RD238-100:
- 5/16" Granite Coated Rope Red 238 is expected back in stock 12/30/2024.